16 Buiten Street (5pm - 8pm)

16 Buiten Street
Cape Town
City Centre

Monday - Thursday
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 13:00
First Thursdays
17:00 - 20:00 Visit Website

Founded in 2012, WHATIFTHEWORLD is a recognised contemporary art gallery both within South Africa and internationally. Part question, part purpose and part statement, their name anticipates the gallery’s program: a host of ambitious projects that promote curiosity and thought. With a strong focus on Africa and the African diaspora, the gallery represents influential artists who engage with global and local contemporary art and socio-political contexts.


The gallery is dedicated to showing resolute solo projects and multi-disciplinary installations, with an interest in creating an environment that allows artists the freedom to create significant exhibitions.



On Exhibition

In the Neighbourhood

View the full programme

Cape Town Johannesburg